Too often we witness the negligence or lack of welfare support extended to athlete families. Unlike moving to an English speaking country to pursue sporting contract, a move to Japan requires round the clock off-field support to ensure that you daily routine is never impacted. Japan government’s regulatory policies imply submission of tedious documentation across a spectrum of topics.
Other than tax, Japan government require strict documentation for health insurance, National pension, bank acc registration, phone and residential address lodgment and vehicle license registration all in the Japanese language.
In our experience, it is essential to have a team in place to provide welfare support that relieve our clients of the added stress, allowing them to boldly pursue their individual objectives in Sport.
私たちはアスリートの家族に対する福祉支援の怠慢や欠如を頻繁に目撃します。スポーツ契約を追求するために英語圏の国に移住するのとは異なり、日本への移住には、日常生活に影響が及ばないよう、フィールド外での 24 時間のサポートが必要です。日本政府の規制政策では、さまざまなテーマにわたる退屈な文書の提出が求められています。